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The academic performance of Japanese children
(Significance of the Children's Group's Research)



Japan's children's academic ability is high on an international scale. This is evident from the following PISA scoring trends. However, among all items, reading comprehension tends to decline. National surveys also show that the willingness to learn and study habits are not always sufficient. It is also inadequate to go from the analysis by the academic survey to the suggestion of improvement measures.
It is clear from previous surveys that the normative awareness of elementary and junior high school students is lower than in the United States and China.  (e.g.) Many people skip their cleaning duties.
The number of people experiencing nature has decreased compared to the past. Research shows that youth who have had many nature experiences are more likely to have a sense of morality and justice.
The lack of reading activities has led to a decline in reading comprehension and a shift away from the printed word. (Exhaustion.)
The percentage of students who say they enjoy studying science and math is among the lowest internationally, and they are more likely to dislike science and math subjects as they move up the grade ladder.
With globalization and a declining birthrate and aging population, we are transitioning to a society with a rapidly changing and uncertain future. In this context, what will be needed are human resources who, based on a wide range of knowledge and flexible thinking skills, can utilize knowledge, create added value, innovate and create new societies, have an international perspective, respect the diversity of individuals and society, and collaborate with others to solve problems.
Also, why did you choose Amagasaki as your research site?
Low academic performance compared to the rest of the country, as shown
This is because of the current situation.


Japan's children's academic ability is high on an international scale. This is evident from the following PISA scoring trends. However, among all items, reading comprehension tends to decline. National surveys also show that the willingness to learn and study habits are not always sufficient. It is also inadequate to go from the analysis by the academic survey to the suggestion of improvement measures.
It is clear from previous surveys that the normative awareness of elementary and junior high school students is lower than in the United States and China.  (e.g.) Many people skip their cleaning duties.
The number of people experiencing nature has decreased compared to the past. Research shows that youth who have had many nature experiences are more likely to have a sense of morality and justice.
The lack of reading activities has led to a decline in reading comprehension and a shift away from the printed word. (Exhaustion.)
The percentage of students who say they enjoy studying science and math is among the lowest internationally, and they are more likely to dislike science and math subjects as they move up the grade ladder.
With globalization and a declining birthrate and aging population, we are transitioning to a society with a rapidly changing and uncertain future. In this context, what will be needed are human resources who, based on a wide range of knowledge and flexible thinking skills, can utilize knowledge, create added value, innovate and create new societies, have an international perspective, respect the diversity of individuals and society, and collaborate with others to solve problems.
Also, why did you choose Amagasaki as your research site?
Low academic performance compared to the rest of the country, as shown
This is because of the current situation.



​ 「非認知能力」という言葉はご存知でしょうか。学力などとは異なり、主体性・他者と関わる力などの数字やデータで表すことができない能力とされています。


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